Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

This Mother's Day was obviously very special to me. My boys got me a pedicure/massage that I get to use while we are on vacation next week! We went to Church Saturday night (as usual), and on Sunday we went to my parent's house to eat lunch and spend time with the family. It was perfect!

Before Church Saturday night.

My baby!

Nana and Reese

I love him so much!

Those thighs!

Reese's First Baseball Game

We went to the Sounds game a few weeks back and Reese loved watching all of the action on the field. Daddy was so excited about taking him to his first game. Here are some pictures of our special night.
Waiting in line to get our tickets.

Watching his Daddy sing the National Anthem.

He was such a good boy during the game. He loved watching the players on the field!

6 Months

The major accomplishment during Reese's 6th month was that HE STARTED CRAWLING! It is an army crawl, but he is super fast. He makes it from our living room to kitchen before I can turn around. It is crazy to look down and see my baby boy patting my feet for me to pick him up while I'm cooking dinner. He is even crawling up into my lap if I am sitting on the floor. He really just keeps getting better and better! He has began reaching for me and crying for me when I leave the room. He also cries for me if he is tired. I must say that it melts me!
Some random things going on with Reese in his 6th Month:
  • He went to his first baseball game
  • He got moved to the "creepers" class at Church because he is now mobile
  • He has fallen in love with any and all toys. He really likes balls (b/c he can crawl after them) and anything that lights up or makes noise.
  • He turns the pages for me as I read. He obviously doesn't know when to turn them, but he basically just grabs them when he gets a chance and turns them a few at a time... then laughs!
  • LOVES to be in the water. He went swimming for the first time and loved it. We go a few times a week! He still loves the bath and is out of his baby bath now. He usually takes a bath with mommy.
  • Still nursing! We may just keep him on breast milk and his veggies/fruit until he starts regular milk. I'm not so much of a fan of all of the chemicals in the formula, and it has honestly gotten so much easier for me to nurse him.
  • Wearing 6-9 month clothes
  • Weighs 18 pounds, 4 ounces
  • His height is 27 inches!!!
  • He obviously hit a huge growth spurt. At our 4 month appt, he was in the 10th percentile for both. He is now in the 75th percentile! Our pediatrician said she predicted him to be walking well before he turned a year because he started crawling so early. He's an ambitious little guy! Obviously you can't predict these types of things.
  • He has met his first girlfriend. She was in his class at daycare and literally would not leave his side. She followed him everywhere and would give him toys all day. He would light up when he saw her! God answered my prayers by giving him a friend to play with already.
He began by sitting up all by himself.
Next thing we knew, we had an army crawler on our hands.

Sweet face

He loves to make motor boat sounds with his lips.

Happy baby!

Very short attention span these days

Help me Mommy!

Charleson, South Carolina

Reese got to go on his first vacation to Charleston to visit my Aunt Gail with my mom and I. He did great! We did lots of eating, garden tours, plantation home tours, shopping, etc. It was wonderful to get to spend time with family and get to relax a bit.
Sleeping like an agel in the car on the way to SC

Garden tours... he loved being outside in his stroller.

82 Queen.. The best place to eat! We went twice it was so good.

Nana and Reese on my aunt's back porch

Mommy and Reese

3 generations.

My Aunt Gail

5 Months!

It has been a while since I have updated my blog, but my husband just walked in and said, "why don't you update the Hall Herold? It's still on four months." I think I have been avoiding it because SO much has happened in the past few months. I think I may try to tackle this in seperate blogs instead of one massive blog. We'll start with Reese's big accomplishment for his fifth month... baby food! I started him off at about 5 and a half months with organic sweet potatoes. He loved them! I have added a vegtable every week since. Most people don't start until 6 months, but he was ready. I have decided to make all of his baby food because 1) it's cheaper than buying the jars, 2) it's very good for them, and 3) it's so easy! Infact, here is a quick lesson for all of you moms (or dads) incase you ever want to make your own food for your baby. You literally steam whatever you are making, puree it, put it through a strainer, allow it to cool for a few hours, transfer to ice cube trays and cover, and store in gallon size freezer bags. That's it. I make it in bulk b/c most of the foods are good for 2-3 months. My freezer is now full tons of different types of baby foods.

The sweet potatoes after they had been pureed and cooled.

In the ice cube trays.

Reese loves them!

Sometimes Mommy and Daddy like to hold you through your naps instead of laying you down

Your five month picture!

Here are some random things that were going on with Reese at 5 months:

  • still in size 3 diapers.
  • Rocking back and forth on his hands and knees
  • rolling everywhere!
  • sleeping through the night until 5:30ish most nights
  • began to sleep on his side sometimes, but mostly still sleeps on his belly
  • had his first ear infection
  • Weight = 16 lbs. 10 oz
  • His feet are his best friends. He talks to them and grabs them the entire time that he is in the car on our way to wherever we are going.
  • still teething, but nothing has broke through yet
  • sitting up on his own, but will fall after a while and start rolling around
  • still not liking being put in his car seat, but is able to be soothed with toys.