Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reese is here!

Reese William Hall was born on November 10, 2009 at 3:37 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and was 19 and 3/4 inches long. When we arrived at the hospital I was already having contractions every 2-3 minutes. They started pitocin around 8:20 am and broke my water at 9:12 am. Everything went completely smooth until it was time to push. Reese's heart rate dropped because he was on the ambilical cord, and his head was facing sideways. Our doctor said that they had to "get him out ASAP" so they had to use the vaccuum (not fun for Mommy or Reese). Poor guy had a coney to say the least, but it has already gone down a TON. Mommy has had a rough recovery though. It is officially Reese's one week birthday today. I'll be posting some blogs about his first week. It has been the most amazing week of our lives. We are so blessed that God gave us this child. I'm so in love with him and my love for his Daddy grows more and more everyday. I am taking in every second with Reese and enjoying every little thing he does. Here are some pictures of the delivery and Reese during his first day in the hospital!

Daddy was so supportive the entire delivery

Getting to see Reese for the first time. Such a special moment. We all cried!

He has some lungs! Best sound ever.His Daddy is in LOVE!

He contantly is doing something with his hands.

The first time Rich got to hold Reese Our first family photo
Rich went with Reese to the nursery and since he was the only baby in there they let him go in and take pictures.

Monday, November 9, 2009

HUGE News!!!

Looks like our little miracle is going to be joining us a few weeks earlier than what we thought. I am being induced tomorrow at 7:00am. We went to our ultrasound today and my amniotic fluid is low. It was at a 6.5, and 5 is dangerously low. Basically he has NO more room in my belly! My stomach expanded as much as it could, and he is completely out of room. I am dialated already to a 2 and almost completely effaced so my doctor said it should go pretty quickly. My doctor said he "isn't going to play around." He's breaking my water and hitting me with the pitocin starting around 8am. Please join us in prayer that everything will go smoothly and that Reese will be 100% healthy! We are just a little excited:) I really wonder how they are expecting me to sleep tonight! We'll post pictures as soon as we get home from the hospital.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dr. appointment

We went to our ultrasound on Tuesday of this week and went to see our doctor right after. It seems like Reese has had a major slow down with his growth since week 32. He may just be out of room in my belly. He only weighed 5 lbs and we are almost 37 weeks so that is WAY to low to enduse. I never thought I would find myself praying to gain weight or to hold off on having him, but I am. I lost weight last week, but am eating as much as I possibly can! He is completely fine, just small. Sometimes I think they may just grow better "out than in." I honestly feel like there is just no more room. I'm not expanding hardly at all and am loosing weight. They are sending us for another ultrasound on Monday, and we will go back to the doctor after it is finished. He said he would enduse if my fluid drops or if there is no growth between now and then. Let's pray that Reese (and I) can put it on this week! The GOOD news is that my blood pressure was completely normal so they didn't HAVE to enduse. Pray that it stays that way. My last day before maternity leave is November 20th so I only have about two weeks left of work. I'm trying to work up until he comes. I don't think I would do very well just sitting around at home. We are officially finished with our "to do" list! We even have the house decorated for Christmas. I really have enjoyed it being done this early. I think I may start decorating every year the week after Halloween. The ONLY thing we are waiting on is Reese's comforter and chandelier which can be done after he gets here. I'm headed to go eat some more!