Saturday, October 16, 2010

Learning to Walk

Reese has been pulling up on everything and will cruise around anything and everything he can.  I can tell that the day that he is going to take off walking is coming soon.  He took his first step all by himself on October 7th (10 months old).  He hasn't taken more than one at a time without holding onto something though.  He'll take one step and then go straight to his knees.  Then he will throw up both of his hands and squeal with excitement.  He is so proud of himself.  You can tell that he wants to walk so bad, but then he realizes he can get to wherever he is going faster by crawling.  We got him a toy that he loves to hold onto and walk with.  He gets to our kitchen cabinets and realizes he can't turn it around.  He ends up ramming it over and over into the cabinets until one of us turns it around for him.  Reese brings so much joy to our lives.  It is so fun to watch him explore the world around him.

Ramming his walker into the ottoman.

Growling b/c he's stuck and can't turn it around.

Happy that Daddy is headed to the rescue.

He loves looking out the back door.

Happy boy

We call Reese "Bam Bam" because he bangs on EVERYTHING!  He usually shouts with happiness as he is banging.

This is great Mommy.

Back to banging.

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